New research elucidates PQQ mechanism of action!

PQQ has been well recognized to be a vitally important biofactor involved in neurological and cardiovascular health. This well-established bioactive compound has shown immense ability to enhance learning/memory as well as improve fat metabolism in type 2 diabetes preclinical models.

New research has elucidated novel mechanisms by which PQQ induces mitochondrial biogenesis! They show that PQQ increases intracellular NAD+ levels and activates SIRT1.

Why is this groundbreaking?  NAD+ had been previously well known in the scientific community to be a vital electron transporter in mitochondrial respiration (i.e. acts as a transporter of energy for your mitochondria uses to maintain your energy levels). NAD+ is known to be vital for everything from the mitochondrial function, to inflammation, to even calcium homeostasis. Furthermore, SIRT1 is a well-studied longevity gene. Longevity is the process by which organisms and humans are able to maintain a longer than average lifespan with a higher degree of youthfulness. It is the “fountain of youth” locked within our own genes, and SIRT1 is a major central node in this process.

Ultimately, the authors conclude, “our results offer a novel hypothesis that PQQ can enhance the cellular NAD+ levels, thereby contributing to health and disease prevention via NAD+ -dependent regulation.” And  “PQQ-inducible mitochondrial biogenesis has been receiving a great deal of attention because of its physiological importance and pharmacological effects.”

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